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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When asked the trump said he doesn't plan to watch Mueller testify. Do you believe this guy? Why?

When asked the trump said he doesn't plan to watch Mueller testify. Do you believe this guy? Why?

The trump spends EXECUTIVE time every morning in his jammies binge-watching news shows. He thrives on TV. He is a child of TV. Like MIKE TV in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The trump TV will be there

Question. Is that what will make the timebomb bum explode?

Posted - July 22, 2019


  • Why would anybody in their right mind sit and watch the Democrats kick a dead horse or rehash an issue they can't even come to terms with themselves? They've had a resolution for impeachment get crushed on the floor of the House just days ago. When these people get off their sorry and incompetent duffs and do something worthwhile, then people will be interested. Until that time, they are just confirming the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over with the same results. Only these poor devils call it "progress".
      July 22, 2019 6:13 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Is he still "testifying"?   Guess they can't get enough of that. 
      July 22, 2019 6:20 AM MDT